Sunday, 27 May 2012

Lauder Common Riding 2012

Lauder Common Riding has started early for me this year. Two events leading up to the common riding in August.  Picking night and Threepwood night.

A few pics from both.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Gwen, Geordie, The Boys and the Dogs

Gwen and Geordie came to the studio last week with the troops, we had a ball, especially Geordie's two dogs. Individual and all sort of groupings were organised during the session.

Thank you to Gwen and Geordie for organising their family.
A few pics from the session
Click on to enlarge

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Martha amd Dexter........

Martha and Dexter popped in to the studio last week with mum and dad, I photographed Martha three years ago as a baby so it was the turn of Dexter to be in front of the camera, he was a star.....
I took the opportunity of taking some more of Martha.

Thank you Lisa and Brian.......

A few photographs from the session
Click on photographs to enlarge